Lego Message Boards Eternal Wiki

Golden Gameboy is a user on LMBE, and was the 146th user to join. She joined on January 31, 2017. She currently has the rank Conquistador with over 12,332 posts. She is following 16 users and has 14 friends.

On May 8, 2017, she went inactive, only coming back online to read posts, though on December 9, 2017 she announced she was returning, and resumed posting. She has since retired.

LEGO Message Boards[]

Golden Gameboy, with the username Sweetcrazy6, joined the original LEGO Message Boards on November 23rd, 2013, but didn't start posting until late 2015. She had received 51,388 likes, and had created 16,014 posts over her span of posting.


  • She was the first user to receive the rank Conquistador.
  • She would often create a daily post called "Sweet's Day Boyos" in Finding Friendships where she discussed her day's events.
  • She created "Sweets Cafe Talk."

This article is good.